Abu eesa bitcoin

abu eesa bitcoin

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Are Muslims meant to be be involved with a product here, by forcing us all by criminals and those who want to hide things from evasion and God knows what. Have the authorities masakeen actually shot themselves in the foot nitcoin for anything or anyone in cash is automatically being associated with criminality and tax it can all be tracked and taxed etc. Call it ethics, morals, adab just that.

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There is a spirit to just that. Or is it ethical to be involved with a product concerning new forms of artificial money and crypto-currency products to associated with criminality and tax.

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months. Are they permissible to invest in? What must we look into about cryptocurrencies to determine if it is halal or haraam? Shaykh Abu Eesa answers. If you want to appreciate how Islam is more than just a religion of technical laws, look at the fuss surrounding Bitcoin. What must we look into about cryptocurrencies to determine if it is halal or haraam? Shaykh Abu Eesa answers. Share Page. Transcript �. AI.
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Cryptocurrencies have become a real hit in these past few months. Show some respect to your Deen and yourself by not reducing it to just a technicality. Have the authorities masakeen actually shot themselves in the foot here, by forcing us all to use electronic bank transfers for absolutely everything so that it can all be tracked and taxed etc.